Sunday, August 21, 2011

For the Love of the Game

Today was a long, hot day with hubs and baby boy playing in a softball tournament.  Eight games were played to reach the championship title.  So proud of the "dedication" and "sacrifice" they have to this church-league, slow-pitch softball team.  I know it is a grueling way to spend a Saturday.  Oh, who am I kiddin'?  Hubs will continue to play as long as he can pick up a bat and limp around the bases.
I should have know his dedication to his "first love" twenty-three years ago.  I really thought he would grow out of it.  Fast forward 20 plus years and I am much more patient, more understanding, wiser tolerant now.

Our first child, Baby Girl, was born in June of 1988 via a long grueling labor that ended in a c-section.  The day she and I were to get out of the hospital happened to be a Sunday.  Hubs always had a double-header on Sunday!!!!!  I remember like it was yesterday,  the morning of our discharge, being game day.  Grrrrrr!!!  Baby Daddy comes barreling into my hospital room bright and early in his ball uniform!!  (awww, just what I had envisioned for the "coming home" pix).  He had lofty dreams of getting a quick discharge so he could make the game.  When he realized this process was not moving along quickly enough he simply says, "Hey, do you think your mom and dad could take you and the baby home when you get discharged"!!???!!!!
Hmmm!  Ummm, let me think about that for a bit.  HECK TO THE NO!!!!

I am so thankful he has stuck with me for 24 years ;)  My answer would be similar, even now, dare he ask.

God makes all things new...

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