Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thats What I Like About Sundays...

I am crushin' on this version of this song by Owl City.  Baby boy says it's a stoner band but that doesn't make me like it any less.
What a beautiful day I enjoyed.  Lunch after church with Hubs, Baby Boy, Baby Girl and the boyfriend (hers, not mine).  It brings me such joy to see our kids becoming mature, for the most part, adults.  I have loved every "stage" our kids have gone through.  Some, more than others!!  This "stage"... 22 and 19 seems to be my favorite.  (I say that every year)  I have no idea where they get their shining personalities and witty humor!!??  Baby Boy has the ability to make us laugh so hard we snort... ok, maybe that's just ME that snorts!  Baby Girl and the BF bring the joy of young love.  BG has finished school and received her degree.  She is now an RN.  She brings a lot of stories to the table during Sunday lunches.  Most of which cause me and Baby Boy to immediately push back from the table and declare that we no longer have an appetite.  BF is also a nurse.. or soon to be in two more semesters.  So, we are bombarded with medical talk and gross stories at any given moment.
Hubs and Baby Girl will be going on mission trips this fall.  Hubs will be traveling back to China and Baby Girl will be participating in her first trip which will be to Haiti.  They are very excited to see where God leads them and what He has for them as they explore different cultures.
As I wind down the afternoon I have a little heart to heart with Jackie Warner.  She and I are tight... she more than me, of course!  I do believe her shoulders and biceps are more defined than any man I personally know!!!  That's not the look I'm going for, no worries.
Ahhhhh... .... That's what I like about Sundays!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are blogging! I'm looking forward to your funny insight into life! ;-)
