Monday, May 16, 2011

A day in the life....

I am on vacay in beeeee-u-tiful Isla Muejeres, in Cancun, Mexico! Hola, Como esta...
Today hubs and I started our day with pedicures at the resort spa. Sounds relaxing, huh?? A "free service" was offered in addition to this treatment. You should have seen the excitement on our faces when we learned of this opportunity. (mostly hubs, not me so much). This treatment, they so innocently titled "HYDROtherapy". Sounds relaxing.....hmmmm? Weeeelllllll, let me just give you all a run down of this experience. Starts with "10 meeeeen-it's in the steam room". Okay, I can do this! And then a plunge pool you must immerse yourself in....head and all. Down one set of steps and up the opposite in nice warm bath water. The next experience you must immerse yourself, head and all, in a twin pool of water that is about the temperature of my refrigerator. Ahh, so &$&!$&) "relaxing"!! I feel so rejuvenated at this point in the process! The next series of "therapy" include so much giggling and laughing on the part of hubs and myself that it could have been dubbed "urination" therapy. Regardless of the absurdity...we are mostly good sports, so we carried on with the routine. This process is done as a group along with all the other prisoners of war that have seen fit to sign up for this torturous activity. A series of extremely high pressured jets and bubbles might have caused someone in our group to have a swimsuit malfunction on the largest scale! :/. But, hey...we ARE in Mexico! After about a dozen "therapy" chambers we wind down our "relaxation" by getting scrubbed head to toe with ice pellets! Ahhhh, I am SOOO relaxed! And to top it off the final chamber consists of six different showers that you move through alternating warmth and ice-like temperatures. In the final chamber of torture the therapist (aka torture guard)has the victim stand in a chamber and pulls a chain that releases a bucket of ice water over your super-relaxed body!
"And, Teacher, that is what I did on MY summer vacation!"
I will be passing this teeny little bit of info on to our military because.....if they could just change the term "water boarding" to a fluffy little term like "hydrotherapy".....I'm sure it would be more acceptable to society!

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