(Honey/Hubs, if you're ready this I know your frustration with big words. Dictionary.com defines introspective: to practice introspection; consider one's own internal state or feelings; to look into or examine one's own feelings) ... love ya... mean it!! I realize this is possibly foreign to someone of the male persuasion. So, bear with me.
You ever feel a little knocked down, defeated and beat up? These last 3 months have left me a little "beat-up", if you will. In February I watched my grandpa take his last breath here on earth. I can't even tell you the role this man played in me and my family's life. He is irreplaceable and I miss him daily. It breaks my heart to watch my grandma grieve for the man she spent 65 years loving.
In March I had an unexpected surgery. In two days I will have a major surgery to correct the complications from a previous procedure. Whewwww!
Remember Lord that my daughters getting married in 4 1/2 months??? This gal needs a little break!!!!!
May is absolutely my FAVORITE time of the year. Not only because it is "Birthday Month" but my biggest excitement is the Kentucky Derby!!!! (For those of you who live under a rock, the Derby is a horse race) I have been watching it since I was ... ummm.... I believe 9. Thats a loooong time!! I love to make Mint Juleps and watch every little detail of the horses to run, the owners, the trainers and the jockeys. I love to see the pomp and circumstance fill the stands. I love to watch the ladies in their fancy, schmancy hats. I just love EVERYTHING about it.
This is what I'm wearing to the Derby this year.... my Virtual Derby Attendance.
Good day, friends!