Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mid Life Mania

I have agreed to take a little road trip across S-E-V-E-N states with the hubs in a 2 seated convertible.  The kids refer to this as his "mid-life crisis" car.  I have nothing to say about that.  It concerns me that the trunk of this car is approximately the size of my bathroom sink.

I can barely fit my hair products and my face potions in THAT!!  I have no words...
This is truly a guy thing.  I don't have one girlfriend who says... "Hey, lets cruise the interstate for 14 hours in 106 degree weather, with the top down so we can look at the "scenery" and let the wind blow through our hair."  YIKES!!!  Oh no, my hair....again, I have no words.
But, friends, I urge you to indulge your man every once in awhile.  I love this man more than life itself.  If he wants to drive a convertible through seven states....
Why would I take that joy from him?  
Quite honestly, it feels a little bit spontaneous, crazy and carefree!!  Just what we I need!!!!
The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted!!  Happy Trails!!!!!  

Monday, June 20, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance..... ummmm.... NO!!!

What a fun Saturday night was had by mi familia!!!!  We attended a wedding of my daughters friend.  Baby Girl just happened to be a bridesmaid and all involved in a week of wedding festivities.  The  parents of the bride just happen to rank high up as one of our besties, as well.
AIR GUITAR!!!  You're welcome!
I just happen to love to dance and have a good time with the hubs... BUT... I have zero, repeat, zero ability to keep a beat... (I originally used the word rhythm here... apparently spell-check and does not recognize this word.  And, frankly, it wouldn't be the first time that my use of the English language was unrecognizable.  It's genetic).  However, I tend not to let that little/well know fact keep me from making a complete and utter fool out of my bad self.  I usually wait to make my appearance until most of the other attendees have had their fare share of "libations" and have little concern for what the middle-age mama is shakin' on the dance floor.
After 16 years of dance lessons Baby Girl can R-O-C-K the dance floor!!!  And after 16 years of watching her dance............Baby Boy is not bad, himself!!!  My hubs is also quite talented with his "dance moves" and has a great singing voice.  I feel a little left out not having the "talent gene" and all :(
Oh well... at least I still maintain the ability to ....ummm.............well, cook, clean, balance my checkbook.!!
That's not really a "talent", I suppose.  Hey, I can say my alphabet BACKWARDS!!!  Take that all you talented people!!!

Happy Monday, ya'all!!!  The fact that I was able to weed my flower bed and do a little pool maintenance....all before 8 a.m.... in my jammies and without "controlling undergarments"......says, it's gonna be a good day!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Work It Guurrrllll!!!

My abs are sore!  Why, I ask??  I have done so little work on that area so, why??  Ahhh, yeah... it must be from sucking in my stomach for two hours yesterday in that dress I wore!!!  Who knew...................;)

Country Girl Baby Shower!!

Wow!!  What a lovely, oh, but lovely weekend.  My little baby sister is expecting her first baby (a girl) in just 4 weeks.  I had such fun planning her first baby shower.  I just hafta show you the pix...I know you're just waitin' to see every tiny pink detail of the event.  Here it goes:
Here is the "cake" made to display the "china(ette)"

We did a  "Country Girl" themed baby shower complete with straw bales for seating.
wish you could smell these...

A great weekend was had and I happen to love all of the details involved in throwing this party for my lil Sister.  I would do anything for that girl!  I can't wait to hold that baby girl and kiss that little baby neck!!!  And, I ask you, is there anything sweeter??

Thursday, June 9, 2011

No One Quite Like Him...

A tribute....
At a very young age I came to love, adore and respect a man I affectionately called my "Pamps".  I was the first grandchild born in my family to very young grandparents.  Let me just say... at 40 and 41... THAT now seems too young to be grandparents!!  My grandparents are hard-working, blue-collar salt-of-the-earth type people.  They taught me so much, and still are...they are givers!!

Pamps taught me to ride a bike, roller skate, how to ride a pony, how to play in the snow and would pull me on the tube while he drove the boat.  He taught me about the farm, let me ride the tractor and always let me have and ice cream at the local cafe while he was having his coffee.  It was very important to him that I respect my Mom. His mother passed away when he was only four so he wanted to make sure I was very honoring to my mom.  He had no trouble disciplining me when he felt I shouldn't be speaking to her in the manner I sometimes (rarely.. ;) tended to do.  You see, we lived next door to my Memom and Pamps until I was in third grade.  I'm sure that gave him a birds-eye-view of my behavior at any given moment.

Since I have become an adult, marrying and having a family of my own, I continue to remain close with my Memom and Pamps.  They have traveled on trips to the Caribbean and Florida with me and my family.  It amazes me to see them so active... and still working full-time at the age of 82 and 83!!!  The memories of our travels together will not be forgotten.  The look on my grandpa's face when he realized that in Mexico sometimes women do not always wear tops when they are on the beach...... PRICELESS!!!!  ;)

This past weekend my grandpa went into the hospital a very sick man.  Our family gathered around to talk with doctors and pray for his recovery.  I had the opportunity on Sunday to visit the hospital.  I was able to sit on his bed, hold his hand and visit with him.  I had an hour with Pamps all to myself.  I can't EVEN tell you what a gift that was to me.  We spoke about the choice of college my son had made and if he would ever be a catcher for the Cardinals.  We talked about my latest trip to Cancun and where, geographically, that was located.  He shared with me about a wedding that was being hosted at their church and ALL the details about the wedding decor.  (He knew EVERY detail)  A man that talks decorating!!!  THAT'S speakin' my "love language"!!  :)
During our visit he said he felt great!!!  He had just come back from a CT scan and the family anticipated him to still be very ill.  I feel like God gave me the greatest gift in this hour I was able to spend with him.  To have this uninterrupted afternoon visit was priceless and a true gift from God!!
Well, rest easy readers,
My Pamps was diagnosed with a very treatable, non-life threatening ailment and said he "feels like jumping rope".  The doctors orders were, "I don't want you sitting around... go wear out your body!!"
Hallelujah, Praise God!!  My Pamps is back and the local coffee shop has missed him.
I am hosting a baby shower for my little sister this weekend and he "can't wait" to attend!!!
I LOVE that man that has been a Daddy to me for the last 13 years!!!
Thank YOU, Pamps for impacting my life!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm a Slacker.....

Ok, I'm a blog slacker.....

The baby girl turned 23 yesterday so I had big plans to make these Fluffernutter Cupcakes for the celebration.  Cupcakes baked, check!  18 pounds of butter purchased and "softened", check!  Peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, powdered sugar, check, check, check!!!  Over-mixing the frosting till it looked like oatmeal, CHECK!!!!
Ok.............the cupcakes were a failure :(  But, I will be trying them again just as soon as I can replenish my stock of all the above items.

I'm staging a 5300 sq. ft. house tomorrow that is for sale in the area!!!  Woot, Wooot!!
Open House is Sunday.... NO pressure!!!
I'm a little busy!!!!