When the daughter's boyfriend made the telephone call to my husband asking to meet with us my husband knew right away what he wanted. Me, on the other hand, thought he wanted to buy our old pick-up truck we were going to be selling. I had no idea...
From that second on, I have been "pinning" ideas on Pinterest and endlessly searching online, and anywhere else I can, to gather wedding ideas. I am careful to just "suggest" ideas and not be too insistent. (So far, I'm doing ok with that plan)
I put together this planner to present to my daughter at the engagement party. It was so much fun to make! I'm not a scrapbooker. I really despise that kinda thing. But, I had a lot of fun with this project.
I DO... (now what...?? lol) |
Here are a few other pix of the party table:
The large white tub was used to hold sodas.
I can't wait to share more details with you all! I know....!!!! You're biting your nails with excitement ;)
It's January in the Midwest!!! What else do I have to do?!?! It's like 12 degrees here and all I want to do is hibernate until the temperatures reach 65 degrees and the sun is shining. (This could be hazardous to my health, I'm quite certain) This routine of eating, sleeping and movie watching is sure to impact my waistline. Probably not a good idea since I have already purchased my Mother-of-the-Bride dress. Which, by the way, I did in less than 5 minutes thanks to Nordstroms and the girlfriend. Praise be to God!!!
Until it gets warm... I'm re-doing something. I just don't know what that is yet.
Hunker down, my friends.