Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do-Overs, Trend Repeats

I like to grab a magazine while I'm on the elliptical along with playing my ipod and watching tv.  I need as many media opportunities as I can get to keep me on that thing for at least 30 minutes.  (I'm die-hard, don't tell Tony Horton or Jillian Michaels)
WELLLL, today, this is what I found:
Yeppers!  The jumpsuit is baaaaack!  Clearly, I am no fashion icon, *eye-rolling* but, I did wear the jumpsuit in 8th grade.  Oh, yes I did!!  Along with rompers and clogs.  I was a trendsetter in my little hometown. *more eye-rolling*
Does anyone remember the obvious problem with this little hot trend??  Let me remind you... It was a huge pain when you had to pee.
Here I am in 8th grade... ;)
This is me today... ;)
Jumpsuits Gone Wild
It's a fear I have..
Will I be succumbing to this trend??  Heck to the NO!
This jumpsuit is one I hope I N-E-V-E-R wear.............the PRISON jumpsuit.

On a Random note:
Did you just hear my husband sneeze?  I swear it makes our walls vibrate!  It scares me so!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Transformation Tuesday!!!

Transformation Tuesday!!!
Transformation Tuesday!!! by dvonahaws featuring nautical handbags

My pretend wardrobe...............if I were not wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt, of course!!! Happy Tuesday, everyone!!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I LOOOOVE Bling!! Who Doesn't???

My girlfriend makes the CUTEST, did I say CUTEST... bling shirts!!!!!  Kasey,, has been one of those friends... ya, know?  Met in college, became roomates and then she was my maid-of- honor.... fast-forward 23 years and she now has a beautiful family of her own.  Which includes raising a teenager and a 3 year old ALL under one roof!!!  HELLO!!!!  That is worthy of admiration, right there!!!!!  After all THAT she still has time to make these cute t-shirts!??!!
Anyway, if you can excuse my "stuck-in-the-airport-for-six-hours-3 hr.- plane-ride-2 hr-drive-home HAIR" I would like for you to take a look at her cool design.  My son plays baseball in college.  His team is the "Lakers".  That is on the front.  I really love the "jersey-style" shirt she chose.  It is super-soft and flattering. Ok, maybe not in this pix, but.... she can only do so much.. hehehe!
Don't you just love, love, love this lettering on the back???  The "bling" is pink!!  P-I-N-K, pink!!!  I heart, <3 this!!!!  
I have ordered a lot of shirts to support my children's athletics.  But, I have never had this quality and cute design.  I can't wait to wear it to support this:
Of course, the weather will need to be AT LEAST above a 27 degree windchill.  Ya, think???

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fashion Mistakes and Craphole Motels

As I blogged about last week I am traveling to Utah to be with my family in the loss of my uncle.  I haven't been to visit this part of Utah (or any part, for that matter) in nearly 30 years.  My uncles family lives about 3 hours from a major airport.  I had 5 of my immediate family members traveling with me. One of which, my brother, who had NEVER traveled by plane before!!!  Awesome!!!  So glad I could be a part of THAT first! :/
I should have known things were going south when he couldn't find a smoking area therefore, he started EATING cigarettes to satisfy his nicotine addiction.  I kid not!!!!  Among MANY other crazy things that took place between airport arrival and "motel" check-in..... I will spare all my blog-readers the drama.  I don't want to  disclose all the dysfunction in one blog post.
Coming back to the Craphole Motel.... Here it is in all its glory:  Raise your hand if you would have stayed here!!!!!
Good thing we were only staying a W-E-E-K!!!  Oh, yeah.............and no.... we didn't!
On another note, I have witnessed some of the most outlandish fashion clothing choices while visiting the wild west.  Mostly under the brand name of "Roper"!  lol  And, again, no I didn't!
However, this fashion trend is keeping me up at night.  Seriously, readers!  I can't help myself.  Is this a trend to follow?  I'm thinking I'm at least two decades too old for this little look.  I think I remember trying this in the 80's.  I thought I rocked it then...umm, kinda!  Would love to hear your thoughts on this.......

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gone to Mayberry... Be Right Back!

When I was in elementary school (and beyond) I probably spent too much time watching TV while I was at work with my mom and dad.  I dreamed of myself in different environments such as Jeannie's bottle in I Dream of Jeannie, or flying around with The Jettsons, or hanging around with Aunt Bee in her kitchen on The Andy Griffith Show.
I have a friend who jokes that when things get tough he "goes to Mayberry".  A happy place!!  A place where the biggest problem of the day is what Otis, the town drunk, is doing.  Or who Barney was "sweet on" this week.  Or Opie's antics and "bad behavior" which doesn't EVEN compare to todays standards.
I need to go!!!

My uncle passed away this week and I am making travel preparations to travel out of state. I am traveling with family (5 of us) and will be spending the week with family (46 of them, I kid not).
MAYBERRY, here I come..................!!!!!
I will be spending the next 6 days living in a black and white movie.  Please don't reveal my coping mechanism!!!  K?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Real Houswives of *insert your city*

Real Houswives of *insert your town*
Real Houswives of *insert your town* by dvonahaws featuring tribal bracelets
I would wear this to a lunch with the Real Housewives of Wherever...

Spring is Starting to Spring

Spring is Starting to Spring
Spring is Starting to Spring by dvonahaws featuring cork wedge sandals

It is a beautiful spring day here... This looks like the perfect pretend outfit if I were playing dress-up in someone else's closet!

Monday, March 14, 2011

what now???

What will I do with my Monday nights now????  I'm not sure Emily and Brad will make it... jus' sayin'.....

......happily ever after

Tonight is THE night!!!

I am beyond anticipation awaiting the finale of the Bachelor tonight!!!  I can hardly contain my excitement as I try to make it through my day with some time of normalcy.  My mundane tasks seem to drone on... and on... as I find myself wondering who "HE" will pick!!!  What sweet girl will get the beautiful Neil Lane diamond ring and a proposal completed on bended knee.  Will it be Emily.......or.............Chantal????  That is the million dollar question.  Which girl will be sent home with her dreams of EVER finding Mr. Right, CRUSHED!!  Not to mention CRUSHED while millions of viewers sit on the edge of their seats!    Will she, the one who isn't picked, ever find a man who loves her more than Brad Womack??  Quite possibly not without the help of tv exec's.  Because, frankly, I see NO other way.  I mean, seriously, what on earth did my sweet grandmother do??  How in the world was she ever able to find my grandfather, whom she has been happily married to for 65 years!!  WITHOUT TV!!???  NO way!!!
Gotta go!  Preparations for the finale partay are underway at my house  ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Such is Life... and High Maintenance {Pets}

Well, today has just been "one of those days".  A lot of busyness and running around just to accomplish little.  I like to feel productive.  No, I NEED to feel productive!  Why???  It's a genetic deformity.

Things I DID accomplish:

  • A massage and reflexology "therapy" (yes, I did say therapy.  This kinda "therapy" keeps me out of the other kind of therapy.)
  • The purchasing of a few cute spring items and a super-cute pair of sandals.  (TJMaxx wouldn't survive without my economic support.  It's a service I gladly offer to some of my fav's)
  • Lunch with the hubs.  Face-time needed occasionally!
  • Dentist... doesn't need any comment.  
In between lunch with the hubs and the dentist I ran home to tackle some trivial tasks i.e. laundry, bed-making etc.  (yes, I know it's late afternoon and my bed was still unmade.  It's a learned behavior.  It's taken me 23 years to "learn" that this is still not ok with me!)
I tried to cram in as many chores as I could in the hour and a half I had.  I am the queen of "I just gotta do one more thing".  So, I did, up to the very second I should have been at the dentist.  In the hustle to get out the door to the appointment my mind left me.  I ran out to the car, put on my Nascar hat, revved my engine and bolted out of my subdivision.  Got down the road, only to realize I didn't have my shoes on.  Yep!!!  That's right!  It is still officially winter and a balmy 39 degrees here in the lovely mid-west.  Of course, I turned my car around and took a victory lap around my block to return for the shoe.  With the dust billowing in my rear view mirror I made it to the dentist in record time.  Ahhh!  Did I mention I am punctuality challenged.  I have "I'm always late disease".  It's psychological... I'm sure (at least that's what Good Housekeeping says).  Probably need more "therapy".  *deep sigh*
A day in my life, woot, woot!!!!!


Untitled by dvonahaws featuring kate spade handbags

The weather forecast calls for snow...........!!!!! Seriously??

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Transformation Tuesday!!!

Transformation Tuesday!!!If I were to transform something this Tuesday.... it might be my wardrobe..... and it might kinda look like this!  In my pretend body, of course!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Now in those days it was the custom in Israel for anyone transferring a right of purchase to remove his sandal and hand it to the other party.  This publicly validated the transaction.  So the other family redeemer drew off his sandal as he said to Boaz, 'You buy the land.'"  Ruth 4:7-8
According to law if the relative bought the property he had to marry the widow...

Our Pastor is winding up a series in Ruth.  This book is an amazing representation of:

  • How doing the right thing is always blessed by God.  
  • God is working, even when we don't see Him
  • God uses the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary  (all quotes from our message today, not my own wisdom ;)
One of the main characters in the book of Ruth is Boaz, a farmer.  A true hero in my eyes although, I don't feel like he is aware of his heroism.  He just simply does the right thing at the right time demonstrating kindness and generosity that goes above and beyond expectations.  God used Boaz to carry out His plan to provide for Ruth, a widow.  He ultimately marries Ruth, has a son that continues the lineage of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This not only is a true love story between Ruth and Boaz, but also a perfect picture of how we come to Christ.  First of all having "no hope", then "risking it all" and finally God saves, forgives and rebuilds.
Ruth is a short, 4 chapter book.  I recommend reading "the rest of the story".  I cannot do it justice by my pathetic ramblings.

I have a few women in my life that I am praying for their very own "Boaz".  A "hero" of sorts!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

As I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight home I have witnessed a gut-wrenching event. I just watched a family drama unfold that could be a PBS after-school special. This family of five, (mom,dad,13yr old son,10yr old son,7yr old son approximate guess, of course)waiting in line @ Burger King. The 13yo was picking at the 10yo and flicks him in the head. The dad turns to the 13yo and punches him in the back of the shoulder all the while hurling verbal insults at the 13yo. The boy turns and walks away from this scene. The father yells, repeatedly...not using his "inside voice" for Thomas to "get back here". Thomas continues to walk. The mom pursues Thomas, only to continue the tongue lashings. The boy has a seat in a waiting area, the mother stands in front of him yelling. Thomas hangs his head and I see tears roll down his cheeks. He pulls his baseball cap down to hide his emotion as he tries to be a man in a 13yr old body. The mother says, "Thomas, quite making a scene"!!! WHAT!!!!??? Seriously, lady?? WHO is making the scene?? It was all I could do to hold it together and watch that boy wipe away the tears from his face.
If I could say just a few things to this mom, I would say:
"Why would you allow such behavior out of your spouse? Is it ok with you that your husband PUNCHED your son?
Lady, do you realize that boy will, hopefully, go away to college in the next few years. This time in his life is so very precious and it passes all too quickly!
Why would you not find complete and utter joy in the fact that you have all three of your children by your side to travel on this trip with you? I don't care how many times he flicked his brothers on the head!"
I can't save the world nor do I pretend to try. But, my "job" as a mother is something I will treasure forever. It's a job I can't imagine being complete without. I, now more than ever, treasure every phone call and visit home from both of my babies. You never stop being a mama!
Thank you, Lord for my two blessings!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Things You WON'T see me do when I'm Old...

I am winding down my last night of vacation.  As I have been out and about in this beeeee-uuuu-tiful city one thing, especially, has caught my attention.  Elderly persons!!  I have witnessed some of the most bizarre scenes in this city where the average age is 82!!
This got me thinking.... will I be like that????  I immediately made a mental list of things I WILL NOT DO when I'm old:
I will not wear a thong in public!!!! Mean it!
I will not, I will NOT... do THIS!!! Promise!
I will not wear a bikini.... period!
I will not wear ugly, sensible, orthopedist recommended shoes!!

I will not wear a Tiarra... even though I feel I deserve one.
I will not wear glasses the size of my face.

I will not rub sunscreen on my comatose husband. 
These are just a few promises I have made to family!!!
I witnessed an event yesterday that I would like to add to the list but, failed to have a pix to give you a visual.  Let me paint the picture for you. An elderly gentleman -  driving a hover round  - with a lady sitting on his lap!! 
Do they really call these years "golden"???
Ahhhh!  But I really love it here!  I want to grow old, over-tan and wrinkle at this very place!!!