Wednesday, May 25, 2011

(Wo) Mans Best Friend

Since this is MY blog... can I just say (yes, I may)... that I love my little four-legged-child?!

I am not a dog lover.  Never have been.  Didn't want the dog hair, odor etc. in MY house.  When my kids were babes I never wanted them touching all over a dog.  Oh, the germs!
I was never a dog person........UNTIL......I spotted Reagan!!!  
When the "baby girl" was a freshman in college and the "baby boy" was a junior in high school I started to feel like no one "needed" me.  Ya, know..... didn't have anyone to "mother" or take care of.  Well, hubs would have loved  hated this whole "mothering" thing!!!!  We were strolling through a mall one Labor Day weekend on a Friday (our standing date day/night) and casually popped into a pet store.  We have done this routine a hundred times.  I'M NOT A DOG PERSON!!  No worries!!
I spotted this little 6 wk old Brussels Griffon (straight from the puppy mills, I'm sure) that just stole my heart  <3  <3  <3.  
I asked to hold him.  (I think I heard my hubs gasp, at this point)  "What!!", "Why?"  "Umm, I'm not sure... I just want to get him out and hold him."
That was IT!!!  Done!!  
Hubs said, "Umm, I think we need to take a walk and talk this over."  
"I don't know what has come over me.  I just love him and I wanna take him home."

So, the rest is history.....
Reagan has been my baby boy for the last four years.  I think I'm pretty safe in saying he loves ME just as much as I  love HIM!!!
I AM a dog person...........and, just like kids, I only like my own.  ;)

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