I am having a little construction project done on the deck this week. It was "someones" idea to have a "certain-family-member" complete this project. I grossly underestimated the emotional stress that "Familymember" would put on me in the seemingly short period of time it would take to tear down and replace a deck. In my estimation this process should take three full twelve hour days. Because I have assembled many decks in my days I felt this was a fair amount of time.
"Familymember" has quite a different work ethic than hubs. Hubs feels like every able-bodied man should give a good 11-12 hour work day if the job calls for it.
I write this on the eve of day 2. Progress is not moving along to my liking, to say the least. It could be because the first day of work amounted to a total of 3 hours. The remainder of the 99 degree day was spent in the pool. (I failed to mention that "Familymember" brought along "Helper".) I also failed to mention that I am housing "Familymember" and "Helper" until the project is completed *deep sigh*.
"Familymember" has my fathers genetic make-up and I HUGELY underestimated the impact THAT would have on my little girl self. Why do I, when a certain tone is taken, feel small? Why can I stand up to almost any personality but "Familymember" and my dad reduce me to a 10 year old little girl? Why can't I find my voice to say, "don't speak to me in that manner"????? Don't push me down and make me feel helpless and small!!! RESPECT!!
This could be a long week........but, a new deck is in the somewhat near future. Therapy is next on the "to-do" list. *deep sigh*
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