Once in awhile the hubs I have a hillbilly bone that gets an itch to head to the country. Six years ago we bought some land off of a family member and built a little "cabin". It really looks nothing like a cabin. It sits in the woods on about 10 acres and we lovingly refer to it as "The Cabin". We have also referred to it as the "Red-Neck Yacht Club". That
is fitting.
This property is 2 hours from our home and is like a get-away for anyone that visits. It is a very slow-pace, laid-back atmosphere. It doesn't require the hair to be done or make-up to be applied. (but, if you know me at all....THAT would never happen... nor would anyone living with me want THAT!!! Promise!!) This is a place that you can wear shorts with "farm boots" and no-one cares. Fashion is not a high priority at the cabin,
neither is healthy food. It is a HUGE news headline that this little town now has a Subway restaurant. It doesn't have a traffic light but, fresh-made-sandwiches-with-your-choice-of-bread, it does.
we designed the cabin, our then 13 year old
son drew the plans, and
we had it built....I thought you would like a glimpse into our country life.
The Loft
The Loft Bath...
Sunroom with the best "nap couch" ever!
It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiney day.... someday... but, not THIS one!!!

Please excuse the poor picture quality from my phone (again, camera fairy...I'm still dreamin'!) When you are in the country little things like high-speed wireless is but a distant memory of home. I just as well carved out this blog on a stone tablet for the length of time it has taken me. The Mi-Fi is dial up!!! I can hear my kids echo with the question, "What's DIAL UP??
I just know you all have been sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what I did today. ;) If I haven't bored you all into oblivion and you're still reading...............bless your little hearts!!!